Ten Ways To Solve The Housing Crisis
Today Forbes published "Ten Ways To Solve The Housing Crisis" and Matt Woolsey touches on some key points but the essence of today's housing finance crisis can be traced back to the concerted effort by the investment banking community to reform consumer bankruptcy laws starting in 1998 and culminating in 2004 withnew kaws enacted in Congress.
Greed, Greed, and more GREED are the three main causes of the market crisis. Investor greed, borrower greed and market participant greed have all contributed to the perfect storm for the housing collapse. The Federal Government has paved the way to turn housing from long-term societal commitment to a quick-buck Ponzi scheme.
I agree, the
Real Estate
Ten Ways To Solve The Housing Crisis
As ongoing subprime fears send bank shares plummeting, ousted
Yes, say some industry experts.
No doubt the housing market's troubled. But how to fix it? Forbes.com asked a range of housing experts to examine the largest lingering problems, the most misplaced assumptions and the best solutions.
To be clear, there isn't a magic solution. Whether government intervention,
We talked with congressmen, CEOs of real estate brokerages, research directors at analytics firms, finance professors, real estate brokers, demographers and chief economists from lending institutions, trade organizations and rating agencies. Everyone had a different angle based on their corner of expertise. Brokers made sure to differentiate market segments and talked about inventory issues; politicians spoke to immediate mends; research directors pointed to what got us into this mess; and demographers looked to who got slammed.
There's a lot on the table right now.
One solution put forth by Congressman Lincoln Davis (D-Tenn.) involves expanding GSE (government-sponsored enterprises) securitization to rejuvenate lending, but to regulate it so that money doesn't flow to speculators and luxury developers.
"I feel that if we expand latitude through GSEs for the developers to sell luxury homes, it's the wrong thing," he says. "Our local banks and community banks have done a great job providing funding. GSEs should be there as a supplemental for people who have good credit."
Investors cheered late last month when Bernanke announced a 25-basis-point cut in the federal funds rate, to 4.5%. But some say cutting rates is the wrong answer.
"Artificially stimulating demand," says
Instead, other factors such as job growth and restoring investor confidence may have a more significant affect on recovery, say others.
But Congress' step today is one in the right direction, says
"Federal regulatory oversight [is needed] to make sure the quality [underwriting] function of the lending industry is kept completely separate from the sales function," he says. "During the housing boom, the sales function had more political power and very little underwriting was performed."
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